Treatment for Peripheral Neuropathy

Treatment for Peripheral Neuropathy

Sito Chiropractic Services

Neuropathy, or nerve damage, can result from a wide range of conditions such as diabetes and even treatments like chemotherapy. In fact, neuropathy, which is sometimes referred to as peripheral neuropathy, is not a single health condition but rather a term used to describe a range of health problems involving damage to the peripheral nerves, as well as the symptoms of those issues.

Neuropathy symptoms ultimately depend on the underlying cause and the individual, but they can include:

  • Temporary or permanent numbness
  • Tingling, prickling, or burning sensation
  • Increased sensitivity to touch
  • Pain
  • Muscle weakness or wasting
  • Paralysis
  • Dysfunction in organs or glands
  • Impairment to urination and sexual function

While neuropathy is unpleasant and can cause debilitating pain, the good news is that it’s not always irreversible. There are treatment options available for neuropathy patients to help lessen their pain and discomfort or stop the progression of a condition altogether. One such form of therapy is chiropractic care which has proven effective in many cases.

At Lumina Chiropractic, we use hands-on methods to manipulate joints, muscles, discs, and ligaments to function more efficiently and provide relief from pressures on nerves. This includes everything from simple spinal cord adjustments to complex manipulations like drop table adjustments. The benefits of chiropractic care for neuropathy are vast. We will evaluate the spine and joints and connective tissue for any problems that can be corrected through manipulation and other treatments. So whether you have carpal tunnel syndrome or sciatica, we will likely be able to provide some relief from your symptoms. Give us a call today and take that step to finding relief for your nueopathy.

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“I have been going to Lumina Chiropractic for over 9 years. The doctors are professional, caring, and very knowledgeable! The staff is friendly and very accommodating with my busy schedule. Most of all, Lumina Chiropractic cares about my long term health and is committed to my chiropractic needs.” – Amber W