Previously Sito Chiropractic
Same great Doctors, Staff & Patient Care!
About Us
Our motto says it all: “a place to get well and stay well.” Our practice focuses on the identification of spinal misalignments also known as a subluxation. These subluxations do not allow our bodies to function optimally and can be present with or without symptoms. Subluxations put extreme stress on our nervous system and hinder our optimal capacity. We are experts at locating and treating these hindrances to your health and well being.
“I am a healthcare professional who was a non-believer in alternative healing eight weeks ago. I suffered from backaches and migraine headaches at least two times a week. After seeing Dr. Heer and receiving treatment for eight weeks, I am headache and backache free, without the use of medication.”
“Your program has helped me tremendously. I am able to physically do so much more than I could a year ago. I still have to watch myself and not push myself, but it is such a great thing to be able to move and bend more than I could before.
Thank you again for your expertise and for taking care of me.”
“After the first treatment, I could already see a big difference in the pain. I have now been fourteen weeks and have improved 80%.”
“I would recommend these doctors to everyone. Don’t wait for the pain, start going and let them make adjustments before you have real problems like me.”
Contact Us
To Contact Dr. Ashly Smith
- Mon.10am – 4pm
- Tues. 2pm – 6pm
- Wed.10am – 4pm
- Thu.10am – 4pm
- Fri.9am – 1pm